Sunday, March 12, 2017

As stated in the description, I’d like to share from the cache of memories “rediscovered”
in a very old box of Dad’s which included family photographs from his parents, E.T. and Mildred Chamberlain of Worthington, Kentucky. This blog format was used so that the pictures could be easily viewed, shared, or copied.  If legible identification, dates or comments were provided on the back of a photograph these will be shown in “quotation marks” as a part of the caption.   (Please note that only a semblance of order has been possible, given the absence of information on many of the photos.  Also, due to age-fading, most pictures have been enhanced for sharpness and clarity.)

"Dad Chamberlain"
(Edward Toler Chamberlain)
E.T. "Tetel" Chamberlain

"Oh! That hat!"
Mildred Smith Chamberlain

E.T. "Tetel" Chamberlain and two of his sons.

"Do you know this man?"  "DAD"
"in front of his shop"
E.T. "Tetel" Chamberlain

"Grandma Chamberlain on right, 1922"
Mildred Smith Chamberlain

I’m open to correction, but I believe this might be a picture of Grandma Chamberlain as a school age girl. She would be the “Me” on the left.

"Grandad Smith"
Robert R. Smith, Mildred's Father

"Tetel and Mildred Chamberlain"
"Reform Church, Phoneton, Ohio"

"Harry and Eva Wheeler with Mildred and Tetel Chamberlain"
"Cousins of Mildred"
(I love seeing Grandma laughing in this photograph!)

"Dad and Mom, June 1937"
E.T. "Tetel" and Mildred Smith Chamberlain

"Jack, August 1937"

"Mildred Chamberlain"

"Mom Chamberlain"
Mildred Smith Chamberlain

"Marion Chamberlain about  a year old"  1920
Youngest son of E.T. and Mildred Chamberlain

"L-R.  Russell, Hiram, Stanley, Marion on Gate"
Chamberlain brothers Russell, Stanley and Marion pictured with cousin Hiram.

"The boys and their pets"
"Russell, Carl, Hiram, Marion, Stanley"
"Marion's little Fluffy Dog"
Chamberlain brothers Russell, Carl, Marion and Stanley pictured with cousin Hiram.

"Stanley, Marion, Hymus Sims, May 1931"
Stanley and Marion Chamberlain with Hymus Sims

"Marion C"
Marion Chamberlain and Unknown Girl
The body language says it all!

"Mom and Gardner"
Mildred Smith Chamberlain with Grandson Gardner Chamberlain

"Stanley C"
Stanley Chamberlain

Stanley Chamberlain with unknown individual

"Marion C"
Marion "Spiggs"  and his father,  E.T. "Tetel" Chamberlain
I have come back to this picture many times, both to admire the photographer's artistry
and to gratefully appreciate how perfectly he captured a moment in time.

"Dad and Marion"
E.T. "Tetel" and his son  Marion "Spiggs" Chamberlain

"Marion at the Shop"
Marion "Spiggs" Chamberlain

"Shop November 1937"
The Shop was located on the NE corner of the intersection of Chamberlain Lane with Old Brownsboro Rd (shown here) in Louisville, Kentucky. 

"Chimney on Garage, Payton Irwin"
Probably taken in November 1937.  The scaffolding would have presented an ideal
vantage point to take the picture of the Shop (Above) and Grandma's House (further below) both are dated November 1937.

"Back of Shop June 1937"

"Shop June 1937"

Mule team at the Shop
Photograph appeared older than those taken in 1937.

Inside Shop or Garage

"House and Stable, November 1937"
Chamberlain Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 
Growing up we always knew this as "Grandma's House".
I've used that reference from time to time on this blog page.

"Old Chamberlain Cabin on Wolf Pen Branch Rd"
Louisville, Kentucky
Does anyone know where on Wolf Pen Branch Rd???

Marion "Spiggs" Chamberlain, Summer 1941 
Looks like Dad was really happy with this truck. Given his July birthday
he is either 21 or 22 years old in this photograph.

"Mom and Stanley"
Mildred and her son, Stanley Chamberlain

Even though no information was provided on this photograph....
some pictures are too lovely not too share.

Hay Wagon pulled by Mules
Field behind Grandma's House

"Theresa Waters"
Theresa Waters Chamberlain (Russell's Wife)

"'Theresa Waters, October 1930"
Theresa Waters Chamberlain (Russell's Wife)

"Tetel, Stanley, Carl, Marion, Theresa, Ann, Esther, Mildred, Scott, Winston"
My assumption is that Uncle Russell is the photographer of this wonderful family portrait. 
I could be wrong and will gladly make a correction.  No date was provided but this was possibly one of the last pictures of Grandad Tetel as he passed away in 1942.

Mildred Smith Chamberlain and her sons
L-R Back Row: Stanley, Carl; Front Row: Russell, Marion

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